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First things first

A brief intro on how to get started

Updated over a week ago

Once you've install an app, enter all necessary business details and customize your settings.

First, enter your business details - you'll find it under Settings - Business details. Enter your business name, tax- or company ID, don't forget about details such as phone number and email address. A vital part is to choose whether your company is a VAT payer - that means if you'd like to display tax on your invoices. Upload a logo and create a signature as well.

Enter bank details to Settings - Payment options, so your customers know where to send payments directly. All information will appear on your invoices and quotes/estimates. You can also enable card payments for your clients, take a look here to learn more about the service.

In the section Template design & settings choose your template design, invoice color, currency and language. Under Predefined invoice settings set up your default payment method and due date. In the Template adjustments select the desired Text size and show/hide elements on documents. Enter the Custom label section to change texts on your documents.

You can also alter your invoice numbering and create your own texts - introduction text and note on invoices.

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